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Two preschool boys smile brightly at the camera. They are sitting on their classroom floor.
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Christmas Sunday School Lesson: Through His Eyes

Use this Sunday School lesson: Through His Eyes at Christmas with preschoolers at Christmastime. Find more great Sunday school lessons to help kids grow in their faith.

Christmas Sunday School Lesson: Through His Eyes

1. Barnyard Tag

Section off an area where kids can run and play. Choose someone to be “It.” Have It try to tag kids. The only way kids can avoid being tagged is to run from It or to call out something Jesus may’ve seen on Christmas before being tagged. Kids can’t repeat an item once it’s been named. Once a child is tagged, he or she becomes It. Play for five minutes.

2. Through His Eyes

You’ll Need:

  • playdough

Have children go to tables with playdough.

Say: Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world as a tiny little baby. Work with a partner to make something you think Jesus saw on the first Christmas.

After kids’ creations are finished, have them explain what they made.

3. Watching Over You

You’ll Need:

  • paper
  • crayons

Form a circle with kids sitting on the floor. Give each child a sheet of paper and a crayon.

Say: Jesus is in heaven now. Every minute of the day, he is watching over you. Draw a picture of yourselfjust the way you think Jesus sees you.

Walk around the circle. When you stand behind a child, have that child hold high his or her picture. Then pray for that child; if you can personalize the prayer, it’s even better. For example, pray: Jesus, thank you for watching over Ashley and her two sisters.

4. Snack

Bring all the kids together to prepare the snack. Sing Christmas carols as the snack bakes. Then finish the snack and enjoy!

You’ll need:

  • paper baking cups
  • shredded wheat biscuits
  • dried apricots cut in thin round circles
  • apples cut into thin wedges
  • canned biscuit dough
  • cinnamon
  • brown sugar

Place the apple wedge “body” and apricot “head” on a flattened biscuit with a dash of cinnamon and brown sugar. Wrap the biscuit dough around the apple wedge with part of the apricot showing like a baby’s head. Bake as directed on the biscuit can. Crumble part of the shredded wheat biscuit into a baking cup to represent the straw in the manger. Place the baked treat on the shredded wheat and serve.

Judy Williamson is a director of children’s ministries in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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One thought on “Christmas Sunday School Lesson: Through His Eyes

  1. Norma Jean brown

    I love your ideas. We have 4 grand children and am going to love using these to instill the true meaning and values of the blessed time of year. Thank you for sharing!

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Christmas Sunday School Lesson: Throu...

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